At Mint Dental of Bradenton, FL, Dr. Monika Aneja can help you determine why you get dental cavities. There are several factors that may contribute to your susceptibility.

Food particles left on your teeth, bacteria, and saliva form a sticky substance that clings to teeth. This is called “dental plaque.” As the bacteria feed on the carbohydrates you eat, they produce acids that erode dental enamel. The erosion creates holes in the enamel called “cavities.” The process of erosion (decay) is called “caries.” Because caries is an active disease, it progresses unless stopped. To stop caries from enlarging a dental cavity, the bacteria needs to be removed, the cavity cleaned out, and the cavity filled with a dental filling. To prevent bacterial acid erosion, protect your teeth with at least twice yearly professional dental cleaning, optimal daily oral hygiene, and a balanced diet low in sugar.

Factors Contributing to Dental Cavities

  • A diet high in carbohydrates, especially sugar (in all its various forms)
  • Too infrequent professional teeth cleaning to remove dental plaque
  • Crowded teeth that make it more difficult to fully clean and floss teeth
  • Deep pits in tooth morphology that make teeth more difficult to fully clean
  • Soft dental enamel (insufficient mineralization)
  • Less than optimal daily oral hygiene

You have control over your diet and daily hygiene habits. Make sure you brush thoroughly at least twice a day and floss once daily. Fluoride toothpaste, a fluoride rinse, and fluoride treatment in our dental office can help strengthen dental enamel. Sealants can be added to tooth surfaces to keep plaque from developing in deep pits of teeth. Orthodontic treatment can correct overcrowding. Our dentist and registered dental hygienist want to help you protect your teeth and minimize the dentistry you need. Give us a call and tell us about your concerns. We’ll be happy to schedule you for an exam and consultation.

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